Sunday, April 6, 2008

Are we done yet?

The Sunday Times of Malta reported today the 6 April 2008 that doctors at the Mater Dei Hospital were directed to discharge patients from hospital because of a shortage of beds at the hospital. The Minister for Social Policy was reported to be working on the problem.

I could not believe what I was reading. Is this the same new hospital which took fifteen years to build, which cost an arm and a leg, and was the flagship achievement of Malta’s Government? How did we come to such a situation? What does “Par Idejn Sodi” have to say about this situation? What will happen in the future with an ageing population and an ever increasing population?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear friend,

this Friday the 13th of June 2008 at 8.00pm there shall be a meal organized for bloggers, their families and friends.

If you like you are also invited to join us for this meal.

The meal shall be held at the San Remo Restaurant in Main Street, Mosta. Details about the menu, location and a lot of other details can be found on my web-site:

If you would like to book your meal then call now on 79460527 or send me an e-mail at

You're invited and you can bring whoever you like with you, especially fellow bloggers or your readers.

Kind regards,

Sandro Vella